
what we see reflects how we look

9 I wake with a gritty clarity, images vivid and raw. Acrid, without odour. Deviant dreams in this oasis, Greatest of Nations. The great city. The great state.

8 This channel must still be private or they would have silenced it long ago. The sprites love listening and track bubbles of thought, or so my former neighbour said.

7 I need to write and paint unplugged, capturing these dreams. Hiding in plain sight, like fresh dirt crumbles between fingers, with wet worm slumbering in there.

6 I cannot recall a meadow, a word itself mythical. Yet here I am in my dreams, naming a brook, taming a sparrow. I wish to live in sleep, to soar in a world of imagining.

5 In my slumber, our Great State sprites are robots. Beautiful mechanical antiques. I have turned back a clock. Might these not be dreams, but memories of industry pre-Fall.

4 The robots, there again, aren’t of course. Metal is scarce and electricity, precious. Some appear as furniture. A sofa or a chair. I sit on them in a room with no space.

3 The dreams are frightful in detail. Furniture is physical people. Not robots at all, but the unwashed and unwanted, willing to lend themselves and bend into chair or sofa.

2 No robots anymore or unwashed poor. Gone are our Great State sprites, watching over us. They’ve become refuse in heaps, garbage filth of cardboard and corpses.

1 My dreams are memories streaming from a low-pitched scream. A timer, set to wake to where there is no longer stench and burning. Screaming, I wasn’t tuned to listen.

0 I can hear you now. The timer went off before the world could recover and forget the self-proclaimed Greatest Nation, who sewed division with illusion that became us all.

About Me

Roger Kenyon was North America’s first lay canon lawyer and associate director at the Archdiocese of Seattle. He was involved in tech (author of Macintosh Introductory Programming, Mainstay) before teaching (author of ThinkLink: a learner-active program, Riverwood). Roger lives near Toronto and offers free critical thinking and character development courses online.

“When not writing, I’m riding—eBike, motorbike, and a mow cart that catches air down the hills. One day I’ll have Goldies again.”