Print Dept.

continuity of identity

The print department started in a much simpler age. That was before my time, of course. Mimeos were still the rage. Indego ink to dot matrix to text layered with light. Survival meant adapting from vellum bond to byte. Now with holographic printing all flow of ink has stopped. Instead of being a print department, we’re now a print-toy shoppe.

About Me

Roger Kenyon was North America’s first lay canon lawyer and associate director at the Archdiocese of Seattle. He was involved in tech (author of Macintosh Introductory Programming, Mainstay) before teaching (author of ThinkLink: a learner-active program, Riverwood). Roger lives near Toronto and offers free critical thinking and character development courses online.

“When not writing, I’m riding—eBike, motorbike, and a mow cart that catches air down the hills. One day I’ll have Goldies again.”