You are Here

wherever I venture, I find that the world finds me

I found myself in the mall on one of those location boards. An X marked where I was right then. Tomorrow, it will mark me there again.

Ever so clever declaring my presence, passing over in silence where I’m from or where I am headed. Knowing I’ll end up where the red X shows.

For all it matters to my X, where I am between is roaming the cosmos. Star dust. Far-flung life forms sewn in costumes of this old thread. Hard-hammered determined pounds every atom back in place, including us. Oblivious of any span since we were last at the X.

I saunter over to the reader board. It declares me here, as are you. For us, for direction. But for the board, for a reason.

About Me

Roger Kenyon was North America’s first lay canon lawyer and associate director at the Archdiocese of Seattle. He was involved in tech (author of Macintosh Introductory Programming, Mainstay) before teaching (author of ThinkLink: a learner-active program, Riverwood). Roger lives near Toronto and offers free critical thinking and character development courses online.

“When not writing, I’m riding—eBike, motorbike, and a mow cart that catches air down the hills. One day I’ll have Goldies again.”