Significant Stranger

ordinary acts of others may be extraordinary to us

The significant stranger is a person or event,
with face-value nature. No deeper intent.
Yet whose words or action serve a purpose,
inspiring reaction in coming to surface.

What is said or done is an ordinary image,
offering up an extraordinary message.
Insight discovered, meaning that’s found.
Something wondered and often profound.

The stranger delivers this message unwitting,
not aware of how the content is fitting.
When you give meaning to the situation,
the message received is your realization.

About Me

Roger Kenyon was North America’s first lay canon lawyer and associate director at the Archdiocese of Seattle. He was involved in tech (author of Macintosh Introductory Programming, Mainstay) before teaching (author of ThinkLink: a learner-active program, Riverwood). Roger lives near Toronto and offers free critical thinking and character development courses online.

“When not writing, I’m riding—eBike, motorbike, and a mow cart that catches air down the hills. One day I’ll have Goldies again.”